* starring *
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6 child of God * announcements * YF Church Camp JUMP Fellowship * blabbers * * stars ago * November 2004 December 2004 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 July 2006 September 2006 October 2006 January 2007 * starry friends * sunflower absolutely random fly me to the moon mr. incredible underwater babe forcemajeure * prayer request * 1. me to continue to grow in the Lord. 2. me to be a shining light; good testimony to all those around me.
short term * wishes upon * New Specs Briks Cross Necklace Not growing old so soon! all i need is... * bible verse * * starry links * ACTI glory church grace to you bible gateway 2 timothy 2-2 precepts ministries moriel ministries OMF Singapore world harvest mission Jesus music oldies waterbrook press A place for the God-hungry
* previously * TWO - O!为什么这样子? Beware! First post on TMT! Hazy Weekends That's it. I suppose that's no such thing as suppose brrr... it's cold in here! Forbidden City Geography Exam! EOY
* Monday, May 30, 2005 * now that i come to think of it, i've never really sat down and did my work... resulting in late works or worse still, "missing" assignments that never appears on my lecturer's desk. time and time again, i would tell myself to do my best and not laze my time away. but it just wasn't working. even after i came to this course i love, i realised that "working" wasn't not in my vocabulary anymore. but i guess the unexpected break came at the right time, just in time for me to recharge and start working again! haven't seen myself sitting down to do assignments AHEAD OF TIME... this is good. but i have a feeling it's not going to last... cos now there's thai mission trip motivating me - maybe i just hafta keep looking for motivations! *decided* really hope i can get this going... do pray for me - for better time management.
remembered i said there was a change in timetable... *sigh* dunno what's happening! it's kinda confirmed that i'm to drop photography this sem but then the lecturer told me to go for his lecture just now! *agrh* what's happening? then i'm to take up audio tech instead but i didn't go for that lecture cos of that.... help. the school system is soooo screwed up. they're NOT communicating properly! i can't afford to be the victim in this kind of situation again. i've no time to spare for such inefficiency! my nose is blocked. think i'm going to have a flu soon... hope it'll go away by the time i have to leave for thailand *pray* how to sing in this kind of voice? oh no... haven't memorise the skit script yet. agrh! so many things to do, so little time... and medicine is making me sleeping. but still got mission trip meeting later. (strive on!) Labels: School/Work
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* Saturday, May 28, 2005 * ![]() reminds me of my doc's instructions... *oops* and of a joke i used to tell in primary school... "say milk 10 times... milk milk milk milk milk milk.... what do cows drink? they are suppose to say milk... but cows actually don't DRINK milk. they PRODUCE milk." so this picture is techincally wrong. hmmm. Labels: Random
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i'm burnt. hot and red. i was wearing a bandana the whole day... now i have this awful tanline across my forehead! *agrh* anyway i think this family day event is a very good chance for families to bond and even for church members to know each other better! got to know people whom i never knew were in our church. kinda cool... *heh* it too was an opportunity for everyone to take time off to spend some quality time together in this wonderful saturday morning. God blessed us with great weather (it was super hot but it didn't rain! so we shouldn't complain...) ;p i was the referee for the captain's ball game... got to see the sporty side of the many 'stern-looking' church members! they were super enthu lor... it was quite an exciting sight. just woke up from my afternoon nap... *yawn* hope i can get up in time for 730 service tomorrow... it's baptism day! Labels: Christian/Church
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* Friday, May 27, 2005 * had photography and TV studio production classes today... generally fun. guess i'll be loving this semester's module... *heh* met my tutorial group in class... bunch of interesting guys and gals. only 2 smokers in class! that's a good thing. thought i would be an outcast in the class... but well, so far so good! just received an email from my school, apparently they had changed my timetable. gosh. there are 3 mornings when i have classes at 8am! that's crazy lah. and they scheduled me for modules i've already passed in my first semester... they're super screwed up lor. and in the new timetable, i'm supposed to have photography workshop tomorrow! again??? and what say? they're shifting me to another tutorial group when i'm starting to feel 'accepted' into this group? no way man... anyway, i sent an email to the person in charge already... told him to look into the matter... and notified him that i'll be following my previous timetable in the meanwhile. really hope he get back to me asap... if not. i might be missing lessons i ought to attend! *agrh* well well... need some sleep now... have been waking up too early. *yawn* Labels: School/Work
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* Wednesday, May 25, 2005 * after "resting" for the longest time, i'm finally back in school! as expected, i was late. really can't get up that early anymore... *sigh* i spent quite some time walking around looking for my classroom - causing me to be super duper late. and when i finally found my classroom, i stood outside like a fool trying to open the door. push. no... pull. no... (did the teacher locked the door because i was too late? agrh.) tried again. caused a bit of commotion in the class by my attempt... oh no. then the whole class turned and signalled "slide"... oh man. super malu. someone waved to me. eh. it was meiyan! one of my juniors from my secondary school... so weird. being in a class of people younger than me... she's in accountancy. but we are in a cross fac class... there are only IS classes today so i haven't seen my actual classmates in my course, hope they'll be a bunch of great, fun people! we'll know tomorrow... when i have photography and studio production!!! *excited* had to rush for physio after school... went on the treadmill again. started learning to walk faster... increased more weight on the weight-lifting machine... i was the last to leave the place so had more time to talk to my therapist, quite interesting... *heh* maybe i can start to jog the next time round! Labels: School/Work
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* Wednesday, May 18, 2005 * buffet. with its pronounciation similar to the chinese word "not fat", it's a real irony... how can anyone not get fat by gorging themselves even though they are already very full? it's the mentality of the singaporeans. kiasu. in other words, they're afraid that they'll lose out. they pay good money to eat ALL THEY CAN. so if you eat very little, you hadn't 'gain' back what you paid. my parents are typical singaporeans. my family go buffet-ing at least 4 times a year... and they don't mind paying a lot more, just to eat all they can. this month alone, i've gone to 3 buffets. one to celebrate my dad's birthday, one to celebrate mother's day and the most recent one, yesterday. to celebrate me coming home? the point is... if singaporeans like my parents want to maximise their money, buffet is NOT the way to go about doing it. let's look at the price for an adult during buffet weekend dinner - it easily adds up to $20 plus maybe even $30! how 'cheap' is that? it's not as if all the stuff we ate during buffet would last us for the next few days! we're not hamsters nor cows, we don't store up food! we need to have moderate meals at different timings of the day! i see people starving themselves for the day.. just to be able to eat more - so that it's worth the money. *gosh* the scary thing is this: when they've reached a point when they are already full, they still want to go on eating... until their stomachs have reached their max. wonder if i'll see anyone die of bursting stomach during buffet! and with the stomach expanded, the normal appetite too increases.... causing more people to put on weight... and after buffet-ing, they will leave the place satisfied - feeling they've made good use of their money. but how do they actually feel physically? i've been through this... it was terrible! i was so full that i refused to do anything... so full that i felt like throwing up... so full that walking was an agony... i left that place feeling worse than when i first step in. is that supposed to be it? there are tons and tons of buffet restaurants around in singapore... the companies are too smart. singaporeans are just too famous for being kiasu... if we can really eat our worth, what is the company going to survive on? my point is: we can never eat our worth. it's not good for our health. it's not good for our wealth. it's ok to go for a buffet once in a blue moon i guess... as long as you know your limits. Labels: Random
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back in pasir ris. went out for dinner with my parents. i used to hate it when i was younger. i didn't understand why my parents are different from other's... why can't they speak? why can't they hear? why can't they understand what i want? why must i explain things they don't understand to them? why must i make calls to people whom i don't know for them? why??? i will never be able to write down all the questions i used to have in my mind constantly. it was a period of denial. i wanted to get away. pretended not know them even. i wanted to be someone special... not someone different. whenever we go to crowded places, people would fix their gaze on us when we converse in sign language. i would notice that very second and would stop signing immediately. i felt discriminated. i felt out of place. i wished that i was non-existent. sometimes i just feel like screaming "stop staring!" in their face... but i was defeated before i fought. stares make me feel uncomfortable. they make me insecure. they make me as though i am nothing. i wanted to be someone really special... not someone different. i made it up in school. nobody knew about my parents. none of my friends nor my teachers. in primary school, i made a name for myself by making all the way to the top - being the head prefect, the chairperson of my class and the chairperson for ALL my CCAs (i had 5 then.) i felt good. i felt important. i felt wanted and appreciated. most importantly, i felt special. i thought i had everything in my hands. but i wasn't happy. it wasn't true happiness. i felt empty. God was just at the back of my mind. He was someone who would only be remembered on Sundays. i grew up calling myself a christian but i was never one. God was constantly knocking on my door but i never answered. i thought i don't need Him. but the fact is... i do. reality is i do get more easily irritated when i'm with them. as i constantly try to translate in my mind. as i constantly try to be in their conversation. as i constantly try to help them understand what i want to say. as i constantly try to answer all their questions. as i become the 'spokeperson' for them. when all i want is a peaceful meal. i'm tired. but at least i know i can fall back on Him and not worry. through these long years, He had helped me learn to accept who i am, not to be bothered much about what others would think or say (notice the emphasis was on 'much'!) and not to lament on what i do not have, instead rejoice and make full use of what God has given me. i'm still learning... taking a step at a time. i see my little bro going through this stage now. he must be feeling helpless since i'm not around most of the time. but i had no one to 'share my burden' too when he wasn't born yet! i need to get some sleep. soon. can't imagine what it will be like if i have to stay here for the rest of my life. please. someone. talk. to. me. at least i have them... to keep me company. Labels: Random
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* Tuesday, May 17, 2005 * back in my parents' house - pasir ris... haven't been back for ages. and now i can't sleep in my own room! *agrh* so here i am surfing the net early in the morning... accidentally came across these interesting questions... try answering them! Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, 3 who were deaf, 2 who were blind, 1 mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one. Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates. Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening. Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife. Which of these candidates would be your choice? Decide first... no peeking, then scroll down for the response. Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt. Candidate B is Winston Churchill. Candidate C is Adolf Hitler. And If you said YES to the abortion question. . . you just killed Beethoven. Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone. Labels: Random
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* Monday, May 16, 2005 * i finally got to play badminton! ... *erm* in my dreams lah. i dreamt that people wouldn't let me play (which is true in reality...) but i showed them that i could by actually playing!!! but well. it was just a dream. a dream so real that i actually feel tired when i woke up. *heh* actually i've always wonder how do dreams come about... is it really from what we think about in the day? but some of those stuff we dream about are just too absurd... like i once dreamt that i was underwater... but i could breathe and talk without any oxygen tank! how can that be possible in real life? but dreams has certainly made our lives more exciting sometimes, when we're able to do things we would never be able to do... like me playing badminton! how exciting is that? *hee* God is just so amazing... He lets us do things we would not be able to do through dreams! now that has stop me from wanting to play so badly already! i guess i just have to be patient... taking one step at a time. God is trying to mould me into the person He wants me to be through so many different incidents... He has a purpose for making such things happen... we may not understand why now but eventually, the Lord will reveal His marvelous plans for us. we just have to keep on believing in Him! have faith! Labels: Random
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* Thursday, May 12, 2005 * was such a goner today... but i had enough sleep! hmmm. if you've been reading my blog, you should know that i'm doing BS on the beautitudes with m on a weekly basis... and yes, i'm enjoying every bit of this experience! although i seem to be "not at home" (you get what i mean right?) sometimes... thought it would be interesting to share some of what i've learnt here... what does it take to make one happy? very often, it's a "vague feeling of satisfaction, pleasure, or contentment"... it would largely be depended on circumstances and by our emotions. this kind of happiness is never long-lasting but it is often what the world craves for... what, then, is true happiness? our happiness comes in the form of 'blessedness'... it means "a sense of God's approval" what you and I seek comes from being right with God. The contentment we desire comes from doing what is right in His sight. what have we been doing all these while? have we been seeking to do what is right in His sight? many times, i believe, we seek for things that makes us feel superior; wealth, fame, love, authority... are we really happy after we have/attain these things eventually? even so, it's only temporary. to be con't... oh yah... it's confirm that i will going to Thailand for mission trip! it wasn't an easy process i must say... went through a lot of uncertainties and what nots. but the Lord has brought me through eventually... am glad. do pray for: - me to focus on the team's objectives in going to Thailand, at the same time, to remember why i am going to Thailand. - my family for they are worried for me going away after i've just fractured my ankle... - safety, journey mercies, best of health... if you really really really wanna know what my objectives are in going to Thailand for mission trips... ask me, i'll try my best to tell you... hmmm. i'll try! Labels: Christian/Church
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* Wednesday, May 11, 2005 * just digged up some posts i posted months ago - when i first started blogging... there are just a few entries - not as enthu as i am now... heh. i got a weird scratch on the left hand - between my thumb and my index finger... there are 2 holes... looks as though a snake has just bitten me. it was bleeding yesterday but it's not painful leh.... funny. agrh. haven't completed my BS!!! there are still untouched questions at the end... oh no... meeting min tomorrow! help... my head's exploding... Labels: Random
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been playing games at orisinal.com... tried all the games there already... *heh* some are super fun but some are just lame. i like the amazing dare dozen - the throw egg game... :p sigh. nothing better to do? no... i've lots of things waiting for me to do... books to be read, VCDs to be watched, BS stuff waiting for me to go through again... i'm just being a bummer. need to go to a gym to work on my calf's muscle too... anyway, it's no longer tofu-ish lor... cos i've been walking a lot... *hah* it helps... MAYBE i can play badminton and tennis really soon! ;p oh yah... forgot to include this interesting event on sunday.... it was a MISTAKEN IDENTITY DAY! i mistooken someone else as Dora - i waved in her face and she gave me the "do i know you?" look... super paiseh lah... but she really look like Dora leh. well, that's not all... when Candice was filling her bottle at the water cooler, some boy (believed to be wenyao's bro...) came up in her face and said, "Hi Evan!" immediately he realised that it wasn't Evan and he went off blushing! so funny... my neck's still stiff... agrh. help... p.s. the ramly burger at the pasar malam near bangkit is quite nice... just not as tasty as the one in KL! Labels: Random
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* Tuesday, May 10, 2005 * didn't sleep well last night... forgot to take the comforter from underneath my pillow. too high i guess. now i can't turn my neck... feel so stiff... *agrh* woke up at 11 plus today... but the weather is perfect for a nap. call me a pig if you want... it wouldn't last for long. 2 more weeks before i go back to school! *sigh* alright, the weather is tempting me to go to bed... *oink oink* should remember to take the comforter out this time round... :p Labels: Random
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* Sunday, May 08, 2005 * "BLESSED MOTHERS' DAY!" (although i dun think any mothers would actually read my blog...) heh. anyway, today has been a super loooooong day lor... and the weather is the kind we long for - if we're at home... it was pouring! and me, who doesn't have the habit of bringing an umbrella out, was drenched when i left church for some mothers' day celebration with my godma and her family. was trying to flag for a cab outside church, in the meantime, there were fears for being splashed by the fast moving vehicles on the wet road, fears for destroying my godma's gift in the rain and fears for not being to get a taxi on time! oh man... i resorted to calling a cab... it was ringing... i heard some recorded message... didn't catch it... repeated the message... pressed for instant booking... they gave the address.... didn't catch it... repeated the address... they gave the wrong address... waited for other options... didn't catch it... repeated their options... pressed 'speak to the operator'... ringing... then i saw a cab! so i quickly hung up the call... haha. all thanks to my "didn't catch it"s... if not i would have made my godma paid extra!!! when i popped out the present for her in the cab, she was overjoyed! heh. she wore it instantly... showing it off to her mother, grandmother... i'm glad she liked it... it was bought in the sacrifice of a new hp... hah. well well, as long as she's happy... anything else doesn't really matter to me anymore. she's not gonna get me a new phone but she promised me a new pair of specs to add to my collection! yeah! we went to this korean restaurant in specialist centre, haven't been there since i was a kid... it brings back, well, bad memories. agrh. this was where i first tried eating raw beef with egg, ox tongues! mind you, i was just a primary school kid! hah. they DID ordered those stuff, offered me some but i just wasn't as gulliable as before... it was ALL SHOPPING and EATING after lunch... *help* bought some cookies from famous amos... we walked over to centrepoint, then to orchard point - sat down for coffee... back to specialist centre adjourned to habour front... had new zealand ice-cream... and the 'wang jiao' kaya toast and coffee... blah blah blah. finally home by evening... my leg really cannot make it sia... limping at the end of the day already... did i say end of the day??? no way man! my new little baby cousin has made his way to this world today!!! went to visit him... he's so cute and tiny... so... soft and fragile... makes me feel like having a baby all of a sudden... if only i can skip the process before that... hah.
remembered the prata place near the sleazy ktv... decided to bring my godma there for dinner... it seems to be quite near in my memory and so we walked down from kk hospital... hmmm. why aren't we reaching? agrh. finally realised that it's quite near when you drive... but me my godma were walking! every other time i go there, j would drive so it seemed so near... but well... now i know! we just kept walking... passing by some distinctive landmarks... made me feel at least we're on the right track... i realised i should be quite good at finding my way around if i drive... hah. discovered new places and found prinsep street church - heard a lot about it but that was the first time i actually saw it... well, this excursion was kind of an exercise for me... will definitely sleep very well tonight! Labels: Birthdays
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* Saturday, May 07, 2005 * i know millions of people will complain if i say i'm sleep deprived. but i am! used to sleep slightly after midnight and wake up around noon - just in time for lunch. but now i can't really sleep till around 2 plus and i will be awake by 10 plus... you might say, "but that's still 8 hours of sleep!!!" yes i know... but it's a drastic difference of 4 hours! and i get up with dizzy spells - my sympton for lack of sleep. anyways, it's good in a way... school's starting soon. my body clock is trying to adjust. agrh. can't really remember what it feels like to be in school... it's way too long man. hope i can cope. rained super heavily in the afternoon when i went to town with reen, stan and lyn in the afternoon...we shopped for sam's present before nuahing in tcc at orchard cineleisure. continued with the series on the beautitudes - "blessed are the one who hunger and thirst for righteousness" how true i thought when ps wesley talked on the point about normal people hunger and thirst for food and water. and it is the same for us christians. we should hunger and thirst too, not for earthly things but for righteousness. we should not follow the people in this world, who seek for happiness but to live and seek to be righteous - for we will be blessed. how good is that for a man to be blessed than to be happy? therefore we should strive to live a righteous life! skipped choir again... sigh. to go for the thai mission trip meeting. met the team members from the other church. quite a cool team of people - should be fun to work with in the trip! looking forward to going to thailand... :) Labels: Random
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* Thursday, May 05, 2005 * today's date is 05.05.05! how nice to get married or give birth this day! it'll be so memorable... heh. too bad it's not a friday if not ROM will probably be super ultra crowded! *out of point* watched american idol result show... SCOTT'S OUT... finally! rooting for Carrie Underwood... she's totally cool. haven't had bs for ages. today's session was great... learnt a lot, talked a lot, shared a lot. have been praying to go on mission trips. all of a sudden, there seems to be a ray of hope... and this would be the last time i can ever go when i'm still in school (i've studied whatever i have to before i fell) then i have been struggling with the decision as to whether to go on Cambodian mission trip... but it's not really MY decision actually. agrh! if you get what i mean... my mind is already made up actually. then other thoughts started streaming in - i would so rather go for the Thai mission trip IF i can go at all! guess i've been thinking too much about what other people said/would say... should just be assertive this time. i would be able to go - if God wants me to. if it's His will, He'll provide a way out. Labels: Random
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* Wednesday, May 04, 2005 * i've got a new membership on an online bookstore... can pre-order harry potter's latest book (harry potter and the half-blood prince)with discount. world-wide release on 16th July 2005... anybody interested can tell me... or can go check out this website first: www.acmabooks.com Labels: Random
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this will be the 3rd time i'm typing this!!! cannot make it leh. recover post also never recover properly... AGRH! anyways, supposed to meet for bs today... but we didn't. she's still busy with her overdue research paper. *sigh* well, i met joy instead. No, not for english lesson this time (haven't had english class for a long time actually - exams.) i met her at city hall to accompany her to go register for PROPER english lessons at the Cambridge language centre... i passed by the istana on my way there... there was a super big crowd. then i realised it was the 'wake' of our ex-president - Dr. Wee Kim Wee... many representatives from different organisations were there, q-ing to enter the premise. there were more than a dozen monks, hundreds of school kids and hundreds & thousands of members from the public... wow. don't think i was born when Dr. Wee was in power... or was i? ahhh... dunno lah. i've heard quite a lot of praises for him though. life is fragile. i could be dead the next moment... maybe some robbers will run down the stairs and kill me for my laptop! of cos we pray that such things won't happen while i'm still here... *heh* my point is, we have NO control over when we can die (unless you commit suicide which is against the will of God.) there are so many things in life we cannot control or choose - like which family we are born into, the siblings you have, your outward features (don't tell me about plastic surgeries!) blah blah blah... however, there ARE things we can choose for ourselves and we ought to make the best choice for these things. like which god to follow (there's only one true God of cos! that's our Father in heaven...) if he was a believer while he was alive, we should be happy for him - at least he's in the kingdom of heaven... where there will be no pain, misery and suffering! and so i was in the bus... in this traffic jam... thinking about whether he was a christian.... i saw monks... hmmm. met joy at raffles city... after going to the language centre, we started our amazing journey... from raffles city, we walked around st andrews catheral to the padang... then all the way to the war memorial park... underground into the citylink... linked all the way to esplanade (the current art display at the main entrance is super dreamy lor... nice... i like... too bad no cam) then up to the library @ esplanade.... out to the waterfront... finally rested a bit... considered taking the boat taxi ride but no cam! then we walked over to merlion near one fullerton... we finally couldn't take the heat any longer... took a bus down to suntec city. i've been saving up... to buy a new phone. but i splurged it all for my godma's present... it's a swatch mothers' day special edition watch... this is the FIRST expensive gift i bought for her with my own money! hee. hope she'll be so thrilled... maybe she'll buy a new hp for me. *wishful thinking* heh. went to newton circus for dinner after that... super yummy. the stingray was meaty, hokkien mee was 'wet' enough, roti john was cripsy on the outside and soft in the inside... *satisfied* and so our journey ended with 2 stuffed ladies. *burp* excuse me. Labels: Random
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* Tuesday, May 03, 2005 *
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* Monday, May 02, 2005 * holiday... not that it makes a difference to me but at least there are people who are free and would go to JB with me. *heh* i was supposed to meet candice on 170 then go to the checkpoint together but we missed each other cos of the very lack sms system. i didn't receive her sms that contain the bus plate number until i actually reach woodlands checkpoint all by myself! this being my first attempt going to the checkpoint alone, i kinda screwed it up a lil... *agrh* when the bus reached woodlands, i saw many people getting down at the station where it says "woodlands checkpoint". i didn't get down then as i remembered it being a very new building... but when the bus turned back into the woodlands, i thought that i had missed the stop! so i got off at the next station and walked all the way back to the old woodlands checkpoint... oh man. this should be the longest distance i have walked after i can walk! when i walked into the building... there's this sense of familarity so i felt that i was on the right track. seemed like i've been there before... well, it did led me up the stairs, into long corridors, turning in and out, up again, over overhead bridges, into long, dark corridors and out... why am i going to reach? don't remember having to walk soooo far! why don't i see my 2 long escalators? it was then that i saw the new building... but it was arrival hall. *agrh* my legs are breaking... after crossing the bridge, finally saw candice, angie and ronald!!! *phew* at least i was on the right track... just that it was a longer, older one... *heh* we went straight to city square for pretzels... and lemonade! *yums* there's this new flavour - nori (seaweed).... super yummy. i'm quite a big seaweed fan ;p viv and deborah (one of their cell group member) were in holiday inn and we met them for dinner at 'da ma hua yuan' - "big horse garden" hee... as usual, we had 'zi cha'... stingray, sambal kangkong, sweet potato leaves, cereal prawns, fried oysters and GIANT cups of sugar cane and "luo han guo"... after dinner, we walked to pelangi which was supposed to be nearby... it's the same kinda 'near' - like how it is calculated in thailand! well well, it started to rain for a mere few seconds on the way... i descibed it as "the cloud that has passed by"... then i wondered out loud: "what if the person is walking under the raining cloud?" then angie (who didn't hear me) echoed the exact same comment! great minds think alike yeah? pelangi. it wasn't as impressive as city square but it still managed to keep us in till quite late... must be the factory outlet there... heh. after shopping, we went to secret recipe for desserts. THIS secret recipe outlet is one of its kind - it has got NO vanilla ice cream, NO lychee, NO yogurt... blah blah blah... 50% of what we ordered were unavailable! but i did manage to have my super delicious brownies!!! *yeah* ronald ate a lot today... after pretzels was dinner, then fries, secret recipe cakes and a fillet-o-fish! and after all that, he said that he can still eat... oh gosh. we were still in pelangi at around 10 plus... but we made our way to the causeway soon. back in the singapore side, there's this detector machine that everyone has to pass through... i was worried at first thinking that i would sound off the alarm with the metal plate in my leg thus causing a commotion. it DID sounded when i went through it but there were too many people around for me to be noticed... hah. it was past midnight when i reached home, and super super tired. zonking out soon. zzzzZZzzZZzzzzZZzzz.............. *oink*
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* Sunday, May 01, 2005 * MAYDAY! MAYDAY! it's Grace's birthday... *heh* i started my day super super tired. still not very used to waking up so early - especially when i only do so once a week... actually had to eat sour plums to wake myself up! didn't sing in the choir today, just think i wasn't up to it yet. missed the quartet's performance last sunday... but the "GPC lady trio" (m, j and joan) performed today during 730 service... oh boy, were they good! i recorded their performance - totally cool... evan led the sunday school worship, she shared about the things christians have to overcome in countries where we can practice our faith freely. *hmmm* i think that this statement says it all (roughly): "In Russia, christians are tested through HARDSHIP, in America, christians are tested through FREEDOM; and the test through FREEDOM is tougher." i always thought that having to go through persecutions and suffering is hard and only those who are really strong can bear the name of Jesus in times like that. no doubt, it is tough. but being a christian in our democratic society is tougher... there are just too many distractions in this world. and when we are not forced into a situation, we tend to take the freedom we have for granted. we will fall short of His glory eventually if we continue to be ignorant, busy and "bo chap"... time to rethink our faith. take time out and be still. listen to what our Father in heaven has to say. auntie Ing Hai approached me after service, she asked me if i would like to go for the cambodian mission trip... (my heart was like - "of course! i want to go! but...") then she continued by saying that she can help me write in a letter to the school to be excused for that period of time... that there will be CIP points... (really???) i really don't know... almost gave up hopes of going for future mission trips because of the difference in school holidays. i know that i have to be patient when it comes to things like that... and i know that God will provide a way out... BUT could THIS be the way out? could THIS be the answer to my prayers? should THIS be regarded as more important than school? is God trying to say something? reality says that studies is more important than any other things. could this be what God wants me to do? *agrhhhhh* need to give an answer by this week. any advices? please pray for me... the weather today is just simply. disgusting. it's so hot that it makes me feel like i'm melting... tried hard to stay awake by crapping a lot in class... the atmosphere in class was ... lame. Labels: Random |
© chris 2005 a.k.a. chrissypoo |