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* starring *


"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6

child of God
glory YFer
Officially TWO-O!

* announcements *

Every Fri
All youths from 13 to 23 years of schooling age are invited.

Church Camp
June 2007

JUMP Fellowship
1st & 3rd Saturdays

* blabbers *

* stars ago *

September 2004
November 2004
December 2004
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
September 2006
October 2006
January 2007

* starry friends *

muah hah hah!
absolutely random
fly me to the moon
mr. incredible
underwater babe

* prayer request *

long term
1. me to continue to grow in the Lord.
2. me to be a shining light; good testimony to all those around me.

short term
1. consistent in doing QT in the morning.

* wishes upon *
* the stars *

Personalised Sling Bag
New Specs
Cross Necklace
Not growing old so soon!

all i need is...

* bible verse *

"We demolish arguement and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowlegde of God, and we take captive every thought to make obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5

* starry links *

glory church
grace to you
bible gateway
2 timothy 2-2
precepts ministries
moriel ministries
OMF Singapore
world harvest mission
Jesus music oldies
waterbrook press
A place for the God-hungry

survivor 11
(all new!)

amazing race 8
(all new!)

channel 8
channel 5
channel u


search engines

acma books

ngee ann
zhenghua sec
zhenghua pri

K Box
Party World

* previously *

TWO - O!
Beware! First post on TMT!
Hazy Weekends
That's it.
I suppose that's no such thing as suppose
brrr... it's cold in here!
Forbidden City
Geography Exam!

* Saturday, April 30, 2005 *

interesting rumours!

went to church in the morning... to help rev. eric with his sermon slides. candice, angie and evan were also in church for inductive bible study... wanted to go for it also... think it will be good for me. why didn't i? can't remember...

well, JUMP fellowship was on today. ps wesley talked about the small groups leadership... the importance of having small groups... blah. before we touched on the more serious stuff, we played a 'personality game'! we were each designated with a personality that we were supposed to take on throughout the discussion... there were personalities like the church kid (know-it-all), peacemaker, the silent one, the talker, the clown etc. guess what? i was "the talker"... *talk talk talk* couldn't stand myself! just had to comment at every single little thing... never thought that talking can be such a torture. *heh* when we could be ourselves, just made me realised how important it is to be who we are. acting, pretending are just chores! but how can almost everyone put on different masks as we face different situations? maybe we should all take a back seat and start to think about our own personalities.... what we are inside, are they reflected on the outside?

dom was back... not really. but he joined us for fellowship. haven't seen him for ages. it's good to see him around again. *hee* had actually heard weird rumours about his 'disappearance'... something like this...

anoNymous: "oh dom... he has a girlfriend who attends another church. and they are getting married so he will be attending his girlfriend's church from now on..."
me: "oh... so he won't be coming back?"
anoNymous: "think so, you know our church... once you come in, you can't get out... so i think his girlfriend wants him to go to her church."

hmmm. i actually did believe anoymous for a minute... until i verified with someone else. *wow* imaginations does run wild, don't they?


chrissypoo wondered at 11:05 PM

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* Friday, April 29, 2005 *

OFFICIAL OPENING of my blog...

no YF... not well enough to go for choir practice... stay-home girl today.... was watching survivor earlier on... stephanie, the last member of the ulong tribe was voted out.was rooting for her to go all the way actually... *sigh* but she was really a strong threat to the remaining tribe members if she stays to the end. however, what shocked me most was when i saw everyone's votes at the end of the show... her so-called 'alliance' betrayed her: all the women voted against her! even katie... she was like still trying to persuade caryn to be on 'their' side! totally unbelievable... how can anyone be such a hypocrite? reminds me of what i've been reading... but it's such a sad fact isn't it? no one is ever faithful except God. He is the only one who will be therefor us all the time... man will fail us but the Lord will never forsake us.

been trying to do up my blog... changed it for the 101th time already! but it never seem perfect. was thinking of something more exciting - not so cutie nice... hmmm. something blue maybe? yellow's so not my colour... something with a more personal touch? my picture? picture of my ...? agrh. well, well... should i just settle with this? no? yes? maybe i'm just being too much of a perfectionist... actually i can always change it even after its official opening yeah? yah... you can christina! just do it!


chrissypoo wondered at 11:41 PM

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* Thursday, April 28, 2005 *

my favourite subject - photography

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in june last year, when i first stepped into bangkok... the beautiful sunset greeted me. how i miss thailand!

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thailand... you wouldn't expect such a beautiful view in singapore, would you?


chrissypoo wondered at 10:56 PM

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* Wednesday, April 27, 2005 *

Glorious Sky...

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Glory Presbyterian Church


chrissypoo wondered at 10:19 PM

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* Tuesday, April 26, 2005 *

physiotherapy day

it's physiotherapy day! my physiotherapist (zinee) is a really funny lady... she likes to crack weird jokes i sometimes don't catch. *heh* anyway, she's really patient when it comes to teaching me how to bulid up my muscles... i'm quite a bummer really. i do try to keep up with my daily exercises but it normally just slip through my mind... people around me have been nagging. by the way, i do do my exercises - it's just not as consistent as i should be...

well well, was put on the treadmill today... it's such a scary experience. almost fell off it half-way... zinee told me to increase my speed as i go on and so i did... later i realise i was on the verge of jogging! *panick* i hit "stop"... and it immediately stop - almost throwing me off the machine. *phew* then i went on to the 'weight-lifting machine'... took on 3 kg on the injured foot - 100 at a go... what was i thinking? that it will heal faster? hmmm. my thighs felt super weak after that... felt wobbly... too much? maybe.


chrissypoo wondered at 9:43 PM

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* Monday, April 25, 2005 *


no bible study today... m's busy with her assignments. always thought a teacher-turned-student would make the best students... well. *looking at her* maybe not. maybe ALL students are like that... i was like that - pushing everything to the very last minute... actually think i am still quite like that.*sigh*

been doing my 'homework' for bs... very 'guai' hor? ;p it's the kinda book that i wish i can finish reading immediately. but it's NOT possible cos it's a daily thingie... it speaks to me pretty much. made me think a lot. made me realise a lot of stuff i was trying to run away from. made me wanna change... into the person God wants me to be. to give my life up to Him. to be a shining light for all around me.

hypocrites... do you know of anybody who's like that? or are you like that? been pondering on this topic lately... there were a few questions in the book that really got my mind to reflect:
- are you a hypocrite in any way? ...
- do you ever find yourself 'acting'? ...
- do you ever find yourself slipping on a mask to hide the way you truly feel? ...
- do you speak words that your life does not back up? ...
- are you willing to forgive others as God has forgiven you? ...
- do you pray at prayer meetings to be seen by others, but not at home when you are alone with God? ...
- do you behave one way at church and another way at home or in your business? ...
personally, i am guilty of saying "yes" to most of the questions above... not really of hypocrisy actually but more of hiding what is really within me... for me, sharing and being totally open is tough. there's just so much of me that i don't really want people to know... ashamed? self-conscious? i think i wanted a perfect image in front of others, i don't want others to know what problems i have, or how 'bad' my life is... have always thought that there is no need for others to know the other side of my life. how wrong was that thinking of mine... never knew that i was carrying such a heavy burden on my back. i feel so much 'lighter' now - as i learn to cast all my cares on the Lord. as i begin to open up my life to closer friends... it's an amazing feeling i must say... *heh* as i continue to go through this book, i would expect to be transformed, to be someone who would appear the same both inside and out... do pray for me!

celebrated my best friend in secondary school (peixi)'s birthday in the afternoon at suki sushi. it was a buffet thingie... think i ate too much. indigestion. then we went ktv-ing at kbox... i love going to ktv... it should be the thing i like to do best besides sports. went home too late... think godma wasn't very pleased. well well... till i blog again.

chrissypoo wondered at 1:19 AM

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* Saturday, April 23, 2005 *

losing my mind...

think i'm going crazy...

i boarded the wrong bus when i went to church for YF!
i was still talking about it last sunday... i said if m wasn't there to go to church with me, i'll most prolly board 961 instead of 985...
well, to think i actually 'fulfilled' it yesterday... *agrh* and i took the bus all the way to sixth avenue...
the thing is, i DID stop and think before boarding the bus. can't believe this.

and this morning when i woke up, i thought it was sunday... and it was so bright all around...
*oh no* late... for choir and church! i sprung out of bed... showered... got changed... and when i was packing my bag... i took a glance at my phone's clock... 10am! wait a minute... 23 april... saturday?!?!? *agrh*


chrissypoo wondered at 11:29 PM

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* Friday, April 22, 2005 *

Miracle HP

i've a handphone... *duh* it looks normal... BUT it has gone through a lot...

it decided to take a break and went into the toilet bowl for a swim... *yuck*
it's my fault partly, i brought it into the bathroom while i was taking a shower...
it rang. i picked it up with my towel. it slipped out of it. *splash*

miracle#1: the phone was still ringing.
miracle#2: i could talk to the person who called.

m came over that day... she said i should let it dry for the night and sees if it decides to survive...
but i haven't had the feeling of disconnection for a long time... i decided to put it together and sees how happens. it wasn't responding. *oh no* is that it? my contacts...

after much praying, godma told me to on it and sees how it is doing...
miracle#3: it switched on.
*yeah!* super happy...

that was a few weeks ago...

just a few days ago, i dropped it onto the ground.
the screen was spoilt. i couldn't see anything.
i came up with a very clever plan - how i spoilt it, that's how i'll fix it.
i dropped it again intentionally.
miracle#4: it's working fine again.

well, well... won't you agree that mine is a miracle HP?


chrissypoo wondered at 12:22 AM

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* Thursday, April 21, 2005 *

LORD, only You can change me...

indeed, when we look at ourselves, how many can actually say that "i am perfect"? there's a saying, "to err is human" but in the beautitudes, Jesus said that we are to be perfect for our Father is perfect. how can anyone be perfect? impossible it seems... but i believe that if He says that we are to do so, it is possible. There's even the Bible there for us to follow... been having bible study with m, and we have just started studying on the beautitudes - sermon on the mount. as i read through the scriptures again after a prayer, it somehow spoke to me differently again... m once said that how amazing is His word, when it can apply to us at the different stages of life. now i can see why she made that statement.
i want to be changed.
i know i can change.
i know i'll be changed.

"i can do everything through Him who gives me strength." 1 Cor 4:13


chrissypoo wondered at 1:25 PM

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* Wednesday, April 20, 2005 *

Wanna know how well you know me?

hey yo... can't believe this. i'm sitting under a block - 'stealing connection' just to go online! *heh* anyways... here's a test for you to do to see how much you actually know me... check it out! just for fun...


chrissypoo wondered at 5:02 AM

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* Tuesday, April 19, 2005 *

back on my feet...

hahah! i'm back... walking. feel a little detached to the society after cooping at home for sooooo long. but at least i'm back on my feet - able to go around! still have a long way to go before i can actually 'return to my normal life'... guess things have to wait but i've learnt that everything is under God's control, we just can't rush into things... this time at home had made me ponder on a lot issues - spiritually, mentally... school matters blah blah blah. it has been a good period of time for me to look at the same issues from a 'slower' perspective. yup... just feels good to be back!


chrissypoo wondered at 8:21 AM

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© chris 2005 a.k.a. chrissypoo