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* starring *


"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6

child of God
glory YFer
Officially TWO-O!

* announcements *

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All youths from 13 to 23 years of schooling age are invited.

Church Camp
June 2007

JUMP Fellowship
1st & 3rd Saturdays

* blabbers *

* stars ago *

September 2004
November 2004
December 2004
April 2005
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June 2005
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October 2005
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March 2006
April 2006
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* starry friends *

muah hah hah!
absolutely random
fly me to the moon
mr. incredible
underwater babe

* prayer request *

long term
1. me to continue to grow in the Lord.
2. me to be a shining light; good testimony to all those around me.

short term
1. consistent in doing QT in the morning.

* wishes upon *
* the stars *

Personalised Sling Bag
New Specs
Cross Necklace
Not growing old so soon!

all i need is...

* bible verse *

"We demolish arguement and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowlegde of God, and we take captive every thought to make obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5

* starry links *

glory church
grace to you
bible gateway
2 timothy 2-2
precepts ministries
moriel ministries
OMF Singapore
world harvest mission
Jesus music oldies
waterbrook press
A place for the God-hungry

survivor 11
(all new!)

amazing race 8
(all new!)

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search engines

acma books

ngee ann
zhenghua sec
zhenghua pri

K Box
Party World

* previously *

Geography Exam!
Thai Mission Trip June 2006
Our Faith In God
Super duper busy...
Defend your faith
kids talk
guest who
RT (part 1)

* Monday, October 02, 2006 *

Forbidden City

I must... blog about FORBIDDEN CITY!!!

It's super good... so good that I was loss for words more than half the time. Well, I don't know if it's because this is the first musical I've watched in my entire life... first as in.. live, onstage, performers singing, acting and dancing... excluding the ones I've watched in school of course. This IS my first ever pro musical in the Esplanade!!! wooohooo!!!

As the lights in the theatre dimmed, a low male voice came on out of nowhere and kickstarted the exciting night. I could hear my heart beating ever so clearly... expecting to be satisfied by the performance. The lights all around us were further dimmed, leaving only the lights on stage shining on the props. The first character strided out from behind the curtains... my heart skipped a beat. I was constantly trying to convince myself that I wasn't dreaming. I AM in the theatre watching a musical.

There was a live instrumental ensemble "hiding" at the front bottom of the stage... They were really good. Almost flawless I convicted. I was mesmerised by every single note they played... humming along with the catchy melody... counting along with the steadfast tempo. Oh. Heard that the songs were all composed by Dick Lee, now I am convinced that he is not just a goofy SI judge, but a talented musician.

The performers were all superb! Wow. Must tell you guys about this scene in the train... the coordination and the tacit understanding amongst the performers were remarkable... one after another they sang without mistake. Although they were spread out across the length of the stage, it was still perfect. The ensemble, I must say is made up of talents. Most of them can hold their tune well (well enough as I could hear) and they acted and danced with passion! Woo!

Kit Chan came on and stole the limelight immediately. Her crystal-clear voice resounded in the theatre and I was amazed by her zealousy for music. It didn't take me long to realise why she left the showbiz to pursue her dreams... Music in the industry has become commercialised so much that it has become a mere money-making tool. To her, (and I'm sure many of us) music is art. It's not just an entertainment.

Lighting. Speechless. It's so good that I had a hard time trying to convince myself I wasn't dreaming. It's true... It's happening right before my eyes! The importance of lighting is often neglected in many productions - be it on-screen or on-stage. People will say that the show is good but they often can't tell why. The emphasis placed on each character. The different colours. The different power. They each tell a different story...

As the curtains are drawn, thunderous applause echoed in the theatre. I was touched. Touched by effort put in... touched by the talents... touched by the sophistication... touched by the protrait of the empress dowager.

One of the many reasons why I'm in love with musicals is because of the motifs used on stage... each object having a story to tell. Together with the meaningful and cleverly-crafted lyrics... THIS is what makes a successful musical.

A dream becoming a reality.


chrissypoo wondered at 1:17 PM

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© chris 2005 a.k.a. chrissypoo