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* starring *


"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6

child of God
glory YFer
Officially TWO-O!

* announcements *

Every Fri
All youths from 13 to 23 years of schooling age are invited.

Church Camp
June 2007

JUMP Fellowship
1st & 3rd Saturdays

* blabbers *

* stars ago *

September 2004
November 2004
December 2004
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
September 2006
October 2006
January 2007

* starry friends *

muah hah hah!
absolutely random
fly me to the moon
mr. incredible
underwater babe

* prayer request *

long term
1. me to continue to grow in the Lord.
2. me to be a shining light; good testimony to all those around me.

short term
1. consistent in doing QT in the morning.

* wishes upon *
* the stars *

Personalised Sling Bag
New Specs
Cross Necklace
Not growing old so soon!

all i need is...

* bible verse *

"We demolish arguement and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowlegde of God, and we take captive every thought to make obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5

* starry links *

glory church
grace to you
bible gateway
2 timothy 2-2
precepts ministries
moriel ministries
OMF Singapore
world harvest mission
Jesus music oldies
waterbrook press
A place for the God-hungry

survivor 11
(all new!)

amazing race 8
(all new!)

channel 8
channel 5
channel u


search engines

acma books

ngee ann
zhenghua sec
zhenghua pri

K Box
Party World

* previously *

TWO - O!
Beware! First post on TMT!
Hazy Weekends
That's it.
I suppose that's no such thing as suppose
brrr... it's cold in here!
Forbidden City
Geography Exam!

* Saturday, March 11, 2006 *

Imagine if this is true...

New Employee Rules & Regulations 2006

1. Dress Code

It is advised that you come to work dressed accordingly to our salary.
If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a raise.

If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore do not need a raise.
If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore do not need a raise.

2. Sick Days

We will no longer accept a doctor's statement as proof of sickness.
If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.

3. Personal Days

Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They are called Saturday and Sunday.

4. Toilet Use

Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet. There is now a strict three-minute limit in the stalls. At the end of the three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the stall door will open and a picture will be taken.
After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company bulletin board under the "Chronic Offenders Category". Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sectioned under the company mental health policy!

5. Lunch Break

Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch as they need to eat more, so that they can look healthy.
Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure.
Fat people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a slim fast.

Thank you for your loyalty to our company.

We are here to provide a positive employment experience. Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternation and input should be directed elsewhere.

The Management.


chrissypoo wondered at 12:15 AM

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* Friday, March 10, 2006 *

To eat or not to eat

A 2-days old prata is beckoning me.

I'm hungry.

I shouldn't eat it.

I'm hungry.

It might be spoiled.

I'm hungry.

My stomach might get upset.

I'm hungry.


Prata, here I come!


chrissypoo wondered at 11:47 AM

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* Thursday, March 09, 2006 *

It's 9 March.

On this very day nearly half a century ago, a girl was born. Her mother, who was barely 18 years old, went away after giving birth to her; leaving the newborn with her maternal grandmother. The family, being rather well to do, took on the responsibility of raising up this "unwanted" child.

And so this little girl grew up not knowing who her parents are. All she knows is that her father is a sailor and had died in China; her mother, on the other hand, had gone away - where to, nobody knows.

She grew sensible earlier than the other kids of her age, not because of her nature but because she was forced to. Since young, she was asked to help out with the household chores, to cook for the family, to fetch the younger cousins to school, to take care of her cousins and to run any other errands one could think of at that time. She would also be among the first ones to be punished under the rod of the matriarch if anything at home goes wrong. Often, the verbal abuse that she was put through was even more unbearable than the physical afflictions. However, all these hardships were not served to bring her down but to make her a stronger person.

At the age of 7, (Or is it 8? Ugh. I can't remember when exactly. My memory's failing me. Getting old.) she met her mother for the first time. There was another man together with her mom, her step-father. It was a confusing moment. Isn't that the day she always hoped for? The day when her mother would come and bring her out of her misery? But she was uncertain of what might befall... Will her mother abandon her again and run away? How will this step father of hers treat her? No one knows. However, the decision was not hers to make. The matriarch spoke.

That decision has brought her thus far. Having a house she can call her own with the once-reigning matriarch. Hatred has never surfaced in her dictionary. In fact, there is not a single trace that speaks of her unhappy childhood. She is now on good terms with all her family members, i do mean ALL. That includes her mother, step father, step siblings etc. Very often, she is also the middle(wo)man whenever there is a dispute in the family. I respect her for that - for growing out of her circumstances. I admit I always find that very hard and I believe she is there to be one of my role models in that aspect.

We were at One Fullerton, celebrating her birthday over lunch. There she was, seated beside me, putting on her usual radiant smile. Seated in front of me was her mother; she, too, was grinning from ear to ear. Her mom handed her a pair of "red eggs" sealed in a clear plastic bag together with a red packet. If only I can capture the moment of happiness on film. If only... Well, lunch was fabulous. Stories about the past did spiced it up very much. I realised I know very little about her, what she has through and how she feels. I guess it is never too late to realise certain things!

To my Godma:
Mummy, I thank God for touching your life, for giving you a chance to believe and to accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour many years ago. I'm not here to judge or to evaluate your walk with our Lord but I do earnestly pray that you would continue to grow close to Him and let Him lead your life. Sorry for the many times I have disappointed or made you sad. Sorry for hurting you at times. I really thank you for forgiving me and even comforting me in those times. It has been hard, I know it isn't easy, to lug a kid like me around. I know, I can be really difficult at times. Thank you. Many times I really do not understand the things you do... I just cannot understand your rationale in doing some things. But I pray and I choose to believe you have your own reasons for doing so. I love you, mummy. May the Lord continue to guide you and may you experience His grace and mercy in your life. Happy birthday.


chrissypoo wondered at 11:58 PM

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* Wednesday, March 08, 2006 *


My hunger has led me to a whole new discovery! I felt super hungry after giving tuition at novena so I decided to make my way to subway for an early dinner... I was trying to ask the girl behind the sandwich bar which sub has discount for that day but I forgot what the promotion is called... so I pointed at the board placed outside the shop... Then she smiled and replied, "We're having a promotion, just get your sub toasted and you'll get a meal free!" Woohoo! Cheap good food. YUMS. Was super satisfied after eating my meal! hee. The idea of having the sandwich toasted is not bad... the bread is a cripsy and warm. Oh. and with melted cheese. I like...

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Oh. Hearty Italian makes you messy. Eat with care. :)


chrissypoo wondered at 6:46 PM

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* Monday, March 06, 2006 *

The Simpsons Personality Test

I think I'm really getting bored at home... finding such stuff as a source of entertainment.
AGRH. but no harm having a good laugh at some out-of-the-world results!

You Are Barney

You could have been an intellectual leader...

Instead, your whole life is an homage to beer

You will be remembered for: your beautiful singing voice and your burps

Your life philosophy: "There's nothing like beer to give you that inflated sense of self-esteem."
The Simpsons Personality Test

The beer part is totally off lah. I hate beer. BUT... how in the world will they know I SING (I'm not trying to say that I've a beautiful voice. I don't.) and BURP??? *shrug*


chrissypoo wondered at 1:52 PM

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* Saturday, March 04, 2006 *

"He who has an ear, let him hear..."

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"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:8

"Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." Revelation 3:2-3

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:15-16

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20

"He who has an ear, let him hear..."


chrissypoo wondered at 11:58 PM

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* Thursday, March 02, 2006 *

"My prayer for you..."

Remember, this is my prayer for you...

"asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding...that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light." (Col 1:9-12)

I've never forgotten this... Sorry that I haven't live it out yet.


chrissypoo wondered at 1:54 PM

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* Wednesday, March 01, 2006 *


Haven't met one of my secondary teachers for quite a long time. Her son is the best time detector... As I look at Owen, it suddenly dawn on me that time really flies. It seems only yesterday when my friend and I were still joking that we would take care of the unmarried teachers when they grow old. Now, this teacher has her own family and a son who will eventually take care of her. How wonderful it is to have a family of your own! Really wonder how it is like to have your own child... someone who is really close to your heart, that part that came out of you! Literally. Hah.

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"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.
" Jeremiah 29:11-13

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chrissypoo wondered at 1:21 PM

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© chris 2005 a.k.a. chrissypoo