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"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6

child of God
glory YFer
Officially TWO-O!

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* prayer request *

long term
1. me to continue to grow in the Lord.
2. me to be a shining light; good testimony to all those around me.

short term
1. consistent in doing QT in the morning.

* wishes upon *
* the stars *

Personalised Sling Bag
New Specs
Cross Necklace
Not growing old so soon!

all i need is...

* bible verse *

"We demolish arguement and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowlegde of God, and we take captive every thought to make obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5

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doing the impossible.... in dreams!
true happiness...
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stiff neck...
New baby cousin on Mothers' Day!
lack of sleep

* Wednesday, May 18, 2005 *


buffet. with its pronounciation similar to the chinese word "not fat", it's a real irony... how can anyone not get fat by gorging themselves even though they are already very full?

it's the mentality of the singaporeans. kiasu. in other words, they're afraid that they'll lose out. they pay good money to eat ALL THEY CAN. so if you eat very little, you hadn't 'gain' back what you paid.

my parents are typical singaporeans. my family go buffet-ing at least 4 times a year... and they don't mind paying a lot more, just to eat all they can. this month alone, i've gone to 3 buffets. one to celebrate my dad's birthday, one to celebrate mother's day and the most recent one, yesterday. to celebrate me coming home?

the point is... if singaporeans like my parents want to maximise their money, buffet is NOT the way to go about doing it. let's look at the price for an adult during buffet weekend dinner - it easily adds up to $20 plus maybe even $30! how 'cheap' is that? it's not as if all the stuff we ate during buffet would last us for the next few days! we're not hamsters nor cows, we don't store up food! we need to have moderate meals at different timings of the day! i see people starving themselves for the day.. just to be able to eat more - so that it's worth the money. *gosh*

the scary thing is this: when they've reached a point when they are already full, they still want to go on eating... until their stomachs have reached their max. wonder if i'll see anyone die of bursting stomach during buffet! and with the stomach expanded, the normal appetite too increases.... causing
more people to put on weight...

and after buffet-ing, they will leave the place satisfied - feeling they've made good use of their money. but how do they actually feel physically? i've been through this... it was terrible! i was so full that i refused to do anything... so full that i felt like throwing up... so full that walking was an agony... i left that place feeling worse than when i first step in. is that supposed to be it?

there are tons and tons of buffet restaurants around in singapore... the companies are too smart. singaporeans are just too famous for being kiasu... if we can really eat our worth, what is the company going to survive on?

my point is: we can never eat our worth.
it's not good for our health. it's not good for our wealth.

it's ok to go for a buffet once in a blue moon i guess... as long as you know your limits.


chrissypoo wondered at 10:55 PM

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© chris 2005 a.k.a. chrissypoo