* starring *
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6 child of God * announcements * YF Church Camp JUMP Fellowship * blabbers * * stars ago * November 2004 December 2004 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 July 2006 September 2006 October 2006 January 2007 * starry friends * sunflower absolutely random fly me to the moon mr. incredible underwater babe forcemajeure * prayer request * 1. me to continue to grow in the Lord. 2. me to be a shining light; good testimony to all those around me.
short term * wishes upon * New Specs Briks Cross Necklace Not growing old so soon! all i need is... * bible verse * * starry links * ACTI glory church grace to you bible gateway 2 timothy 2-2 precepts ministries moriel ministries OMF Singapore world harvest mission Jesus music oldies waterbrook press A place for the God-hungry
* previously * TWO - O!为什么这样子? Beware! First post on TMT! Hazy Weekends That's it. I suppose that's no such thing as suppose brrr... it's cold in here! Forbidden City Geography Exam! EOY
* Saturday, December 31, 2005 * This year passed by really quickly... of course it doesn't help when i was stuck at home for the first half of the year. It seems that i was only 18 for half a year. Thought i would wreck havoc and do everything i wasn't allowed to do when i'm legally 18 but it doesn't really make any difference. I don't smoke, drink or have the ability to go learn driving... probably the ONLY difference is that i can watch M18 legally - which is stupid because i can watch R21 films in class. Actually apart of thinking of all the things i CAN do... maybe i should think of the things i SHOULD do. I'm no longer a kid as much as i want to be one. Time to grow up and do the things i should do. Looking back at 2005, i would say that it was quite an eventful year... although i was immobilised at home for the first half of the year, it was a time where i had time all to myself... doing many different stuff, learning new lessons each day. It was also then when i could so feel the warmth, care and concern from people... coming down so often to accompany me... spending their precious time with me. THANK YOU! As much as i hate being stuck at home... it was also because of that that i was able to go to thailand for the mission trip in june! Ok... i'm not going to start talking about mission trip at this point if not this would be a super duper ultra extra long post. HAH. So... yah. God has taught me a lot of precious lessons during the trip... made new friends and got to know 'old' friends better during the trip too! Lots more to say... maybe a little later. Gonna go out now... Labels: Random
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I'm taking photography this semester... It's one of the more 'relax' module i would say. Can take picture as and when you like - before the deadline that is. As much as i like the subject, the cost is rather overwhelming siah. Film, processing etc... all these cost money. All because i'm using a SLR. Every picture i take, i've to consider whether it's worth it or not. It's so different from using a digital camera where you can just take as much as you want and simply delete the unwanted ones away later... if you have taken a bad shot, you'll know it straight away and can take another one immediately... you can also transfer what you have taken directly into your computer... no processing = no payment. As much as i'm complaining.. SLR is still the best. Once you've used an SLR, a digital camera is like nothing lah. The digital camera becomes a .... gadget you use for leisure, for fun. No serious stuff... it's just not as good. No control over shutter speed, aperture, lens choice, focus... Now, that's when the digital SLR comes onto the stage! You can have the best of both worlds! I'm so going to get a digital SLR for myself when i start earning money... haha. Alright, before i can actually do that, here are some pictures i took using a Nikon F55...
Labels: Photography
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* Sunday, December 25, 2005 * I'm at home alone now... such a weird feeling. heh. I've always spent my Christmas in my granny's house with everyone... Counting down together with my cousins.. singing with the carollers that would make their way to granny's house in the middle of the night. This is the first Christmas I'm not spending with them... first Christmas I'm spending in Glory... first Christmas I'm counting down alone at home... first time I attended the Christmas concert in Glory... first Christmas I haven't gone to Orchard road to admire the lightings and decorations... first time I'm blogging on Christmas night... first time I'm not going to any parties... It's different and feels like something's amiss. Like it's not Christmas at all. But what IS Christmas? Is it just turkey, ham, roast beef, wine, Christmas carols, parties, stayovers, count downs etc.? I don't have all of the above but I'm still enjoying every bit of this special occasion. A quiet and peaceful night gives me time to reflect and ponder on the true meaning of Christmas... how Jesus was born this night more than 2000 years ago... how a Saviour was born into this lost world... how our Messiah was born in a lowly manger. All because of God's amazing grace to redeem us of our sins.... to save us that we may have eternal life through the Son. Last Christmas, at this time, I was still in the hospital... spending Christmas' eve all by myself. It was really depressing man... It was like... what a place to spend this occasion. Thank God Karen came to spend some time with me before the clock struck twelve... But I was thinking of all the places I should be at... having a gathering at h's house with the rest of the people I enjoy being with... should have gone to church for the concert.... should have sung as part of the choir in the concert... should have gone carolling for the very first time of my life... Should have this. Should have that. Should haves... I'm starting to find this phrase really redundant and useless. What's already done cannot be undone. Whatever had happened happen for a reason. What's the point of saying "should have"? Instead of looking, wondering at what "should have" happened... we should make use of what we have, what we are given and make the best out of it. Yes, I should have done this and that tonight. But now, I'm just gonna make use of this time to quieten my heart and reflect... since I'm given the time and the peace! hah. That is so unlike me.. but I'm liking the change. Having a truly blessed Christmas. Pray that you'll have a blessed Christmas too. Labels: Christian/Church
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* Tuesday, December 20, 2005 * It's been a long time since I updated my blog... I'm not here to evalute why and how. Anyways I'm going to update this very moment. I injured my hand during YF camp 2005.. I know this is the N times I've injured myself BUT hey... I don't want it to happen either. It's so not fun can. So many things I can't do... all the things that I enjoyed doing very much... except sleeping and eating I think. Everything happened so suddenly... we were all playing tug of war in camp and my group - JOHN was on a winning strike. I was ready to give my all to win that for my team... Out of determination to win, I twined the rope around my hand and competed against the last team in the finals. I did that too in previous matches and it worked well... that caused us to win. The last team was really strong siah.. we had an advantage initially and josh who is a pessimist said, "we're winning!" I was really pulling the rope with all my might but something very unfortunate happened... somehow someone in my team lost his foothold and we were pulled forward by a little. It was then when we were losing... and hey. rememeber I twined the rope around my hand? It was pulled along with the rope forward when we lost... I thought I was going to lose my hand at that point of time man. Then I took off my gloves and see my red and swollen hand. It was so painful that I don't feel much pain.. so ironic. It was just beyond... agrh. don't how to say. People who know me will know that my threshold of pain is quite low... I would scream and cry when i'm hurt... I just can't tahan pain. But this time, weirdly, I didn't. I thought it was okay so I didn't ask for help immediately... after that I playfully showed someone my 'pig trotters' and then i was called to receive medical attention... hah. They had no ice so they gave me cold milo to cool it... got to drink it after that! : ) I seriously thought it was just a sprain... at least because it wasn't as painful when i broke my ankle... then i went on to play the games (supreme captainball, extreme foosball and operation: beseige) with JOHN. Yes, i know i shouldn't do this... I'm sooooo going to be nagged at. However, I really need to be there for my team. My team is one with very low self-efficacy. They need to be pushed and encouraged constantly. It was just the first day... I can't leave them on their own. And so... it was swollen for the next few days... sometimes it gets better, sometimes worse. By evening on that very day, bruises started surfacing... then it was bandaged up. Next morning, my fingers were... brownish, greenish and purplish. EEEEK. and i had to go to school for audio test... thank God, my lecturer gave me extra time to set up the equipments! hee. On the 3rd day, we had to go out for amazing race.. so it was no bandage and no sling... managed to survive the whole thing! woohoo. (will update about the exciting camp in a separate entry... quite confusing. I shall just concentrate on my hand here...) When we went back to YISS, viv put me in a sling... it's kinda funny cos the sling is all the way up as it's holding my hand up on my shoulders.. but it helped. It was less swollen at the end of the day. On that very night, with my less-swollen hand, we played ultimate frisbee!!! It was super fun siah. I cooped well with my other hand. (thank God i hurt my left hand, not my right!) I'm so tempted to say what happened on the last night... but i hafta save it for the camp entry!!! haha. Alright, and so i survived so many days without seeing the doc... don't ask me why. BUT anyhoosies, i finally went to see the doc after so many ppl started calling me up and asking me to go see the doc... scaring me with the gangrene stuff and about losing my whole hand! Ok lah, i was very worried at that point of time. Can't imagine myself with one hand. eeek. SO WHAT DID THE DOC SAY? She suspects that there are no broken bones but can't be 100% sure... At least she didn't feel any of my bones shifting around but there's a possiibilty that there might be a hairline fracture or something along that line... After examining the bruises, she concluded that it's caused by busted soft tissues/cells after my hand was squeezed by the rope. Then i asked her about the bruises at my fingers joints... (it's kinda scary.. the joints are brown and the other side of the fingers are green). She said it's because there's serious internal bleeding and it apparently affected several places... wrist, plam, fingers etc. Advised me to elevate my hand in a sling for these few days... and if the swelling doesn't subside within these few days, i'll have to go for an x-ray. Really hope that it won't be anything too serious... I want my Christmas this year! can't miss 2 Christmases in a row! Do pray for me... thank you all who have been praying for me, asking after me, caring for me! Labels: Random |
© chris 2005 a.k.a. chrissypoo |