* starring *
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6 child of God * announcements * YF Church Camp JUMP Fellowship * blabbers * * stars ago * November 2004 December 2004 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 July 2006 September 2006 October 2006 January 2007 * starry friends * sunflower absolutely random fly me to the moon mr. incredible underwater babe forcemajeure * prayer request * 1. me to continue to grow in the Lord. 2. me to be a shining light; good testimony to all those around me.
short term * wishes upon * New Specs Briks Cross Necklace Not growing old so soon! all i need is... * bible verse * * starry links * ACTI glory church grace to you bible gateway 2 timothy 2-2 precepts ministries moriel ministries OMF Singapore world harvest mission Jesus music oldies waterbrook press A place for the God-hungry
* previously * TWO - O!为什么这样子? Beware! First post on TMT! Hazy Weekends That's it. I suppose that's no such thing as suppose brrr... it's cold in here! Forbidden City Geography Exam! EOY
* Monday, August 29, 2005 * I went to watch March of the penguins in GV Marina with Michelle and Acaan Jaey this afternoon. hee. (thanks yah.. ;p) didn't really know what to expect cos I only know that we'll be watching a documentary on penguins... have never watched documentaries in cinema. always thought that they would be random shots with boring narration... boy! I was wrong! I actually like this film! What makes it more exciting would be the narrative narration... I could imagine the penguin actually saying it. hee. The amazing journeys of the emperor penguins... all the distances they walked to mate and reproduce. it's definitely not easy being a penguin! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The noble parental love are expressed in the most unspeakable ways... the difficulties of protecting a newborn, of maintaining a life under the harsh conditions. "In the harshest place on earth, love finds a way." ![]() ![]() Note: Flashbacks were used in one scene... so weird. but it sure did provoke strong emotions for the dead baby penguin. ![]() ![]() The little penguins look so fluffy and soft-toyish... aww... ![]() ![]() The answer to my question... ![]() ![]() While watching this film, the thought of how they filmmed this constantly invaded my mind... it's amazing how they managed to capture some of those enchanting moments! those are fantabulous shots! If only i can be part of this kind of production some day... Labels: Reviews
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* Sunday, August 28, 2005 * oh man. it's easier said than done! i've these 2 final tests tomorrow! this feeling suck. stressed. the pressure to do well... the feeling that i've not done enough to get good grades for it. and now this gastric-like pain is taking me away. agrh! i can't do this alone... Lord, only You can help me through this... Labels: School/Work
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"I don't have a problem with my eyesight until they checked my eyesight." was studying in church with a few of them. don't know why we were suddenly talking about eyesight and i came up with this. come to think of it. it's quite true hor? at least it is for me. so, are problems with eyesight psychological? Labels: Random
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Are you an ambassador for Christ? Are you practising what you preach? I was in this cab today after my cousin's birthday celebration... had a long talk with the cab driver. I don't know how we digress but at one point we were talking about christians. (He started it!) He was telling me and my godma about how one woman scheming went in front of the taxi stand (ignoring the queue) to flag his cab. Then he commented how people nowadays are very self-centered... I can't help but agree. He suddenly said this, "A lot of people talk to me about christianity. But i think they shouldn't criticise other people's religion... I was also a free thinker turned Buddhist. They can tell me about their religion but they shouldn't put down other religions."Then we had a really interesting conversation... (In mandarin) Mr. Taxi driver: Do you know City Harvest? Me: Yah. Mr. Taxi driver: You go there? Me: No.Mr. Taxi driver: Oh good. Don't go there. Me: Eh? Mr. Taxi driver: The people there no good one. Fight for cab! That day i saw many people calling for cab in city harvest so i went there... aiyoh. people run across the road just like that for my cab! own people fight with own people for cab! They actually have their own taxi stand set up for them but they don't want to queue... go out and fight for taxi with own people! I paused in silence. He went on... Mr. Taxi driver: They are supposed to be special people! but in the end they are like all of us! no use lah. Christians are just like any other people! 'Special people' occupied my mind. In their eyes, we are 'special people'??? They recognise that we are different from the rest of the world. But that's only means that we shoulder a greater responsibility to be the light of this world. Me: They might not be Christians at all. Many claim to be Christians but they might not be at all. Then i went on to explain the many who are "radically-churched"... the difference between them and true Christians. I was glad he took it quite well and discussed it with me open-mindedly. Mr. Taxi driver: You are a Christian right? Me: Yup. We are called to be His child - to walk in the light in this world of darkness. We have to be conscious before we do anything... we are responsible to God. We also have to know that whatever we do, we are watched by everyone else. (However, we should NEVER let this be the cause for good works.) They expect to see Christ in us! IF WE LIE, WE SET GOD OUT TO BE A LIE. "If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth." 1 John 1:6 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Cor 5:17 Is Christ living in you? Are you a new creation? I pray that your answer is yes. I know mine is. Labels: Christian/Church
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* Saturday, August 27, 2005 * i've 2 important tests on monday... intro to film and audio tech. intro to film shouldn't be a problem, have been doing alright in this class... have been revising way beforehand. quite worried for audio tech... my audio theory is atrocious. can't really understand all those weird concepts. have a feeling that i'm gonna fail this module. hmmm. well, whatever is going to happen... i'm gonna give my best for this coming test now! gonna make use of sunday afternoon to revise! determined. pray for discipline to study on sunday... and for wisdom and concentration on the day of the test. Labels: School/Work
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* Friday, August 26, 2005 * when everything went WRONG! gosh. had final presentation for our ART indent at 1040am. I was on time. ran into the class... oops. It's not my group. realised it's the group who is suppose to meet wendy wee at 10! what? They just ended? super over run lor. (hmmm. actually not. read on.) in the end we went in slightly after 11... sigh. then it started pouring when my other team members went to take the mat from the akido club... oh man. They were all drenched. but what's the best thing? It stopped raining once they reached. alrights.. We were finally in the studio. setting up. We were adjusting the black level etc... after that all the lights went off. NO LIGHTS! and so, we can't do anything until the lights are fixed. we have 2 actual demo recording today which was spread out over 4 hours - each group having 2 hours (for set up, rehearsal, recording and striking the set). class started at 1... but at 2 plus, we were still mendling with the lights and all... and found out that the TV isn't working! our lecturer was so stressed that she went to SIM to unwind! hee... and after that, guess what? NO SOUND! wooohooo... first no lights, then no sound. It's like telling us to postpone the whole recording lor. sigh. to patch or not to patch? that is the question of the day in the audio room. hee. thank God Hsein came up and helped us solve the problem and guided me along. all these problems kept coming up till it was time for the 1st group's recording! It was way past 3 already lor. agrh. They said it's the "mohmohs"... hah. the helen's (the mannequin in the props room) curse. crap. when it was my turn to host, my mic didn't have sound! this is really getting sick. so stressed that my tummy wasn't feeling good. didn't start 2nd recording till 6.30pm! it's totally bizarre. super hungry lor.... 7 hours straight of TV studio production! now, that's what i call over run. Labels: School/Work
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* Monday, August 22, 2005 * ![]() Before (June) ![]() After (August) When I went for the mission trip in Thailand, we actually had the opportunity to help in the building up of the church in Donkor. I've never done this kind of construction work before... hoeing, cement-mixing, leveling etc... super cool. It was really hard work man... whole body was aching the next day. But it was really a good experience. especially when i know i'm doing God's work! It was really meaningful... At the end of the day - there's this indescribable sense of involvement. It's like WOW. Attended Thai service yesterday... haven't had the time to for quite some time. It was really great seeing more people now in the Thai Church. Realise i seem to be able to understand more Thai now. woohoo! somehow. the art of guessing. Anyways, they had a lil presentation on the churches in Thailand... when they showed the completed church in Donkor (the 2nd pic), it brought tears to my eyes. It's so amazing! I could never imagine i would actually see a church built up and be involved in it first hand! There's this deep sense of achievement and i couldn't help but marvel at God's wonderful work. Indeed, all this happened in His time. Our God is an awesome God. Amen! Labels: Mission Trip, Photography
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* Saturday, August 20, 2005 * woke up at 230pm today! wooohooo! more than 13 hours of sleep... just what i needed man. just came back from my parent's house all the way in pasir ris... uncle samuel and aunty su ying wanted to visit so we went over in the late afternoon... got a lift from them. thankfully. it's always a dread travelling. haven't seen my mom for quite long too. she seems to be getting better. *happy* after uncle sam and aunty su ying left, my mom cooked laska. i was forced to eat a lot... super full now siah. bro was at home too... managed to play with him a lil. got to see my doggies! played with them and brought them down for a walk after dinner... hee. anyway... i'm really glad that uncle samuel and aunty su ying came over. it was really encouraging for my family. my mom was really grateful for the visitors that came all the way down and for the concern shown. it somehow acted as an assurance for my mom that i'm fitting in well and growing in Glory... have been in my parents' church since i was super young. it was quite hard for them to accept the change and my decision to leave then... but now, i believe that she's assured. Thanks. Do continue to pray for my mom... for God's hands to continue to be upon her. For my dad... thank God that he has finally found a job! pray that he'll continue to be in the Lord even though his new job does not allow him to go to church. Thanks to all who have been praying for me and my family... Labels: Random
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* Friday, August 19, 2005 * Kelvin (weilian) and Kelly has emerged as the male and female champion respectively in Project Superstar... gosh. can't believe this. actually i'm quite satisfied with the ladies' result... i'll quit watching channel u altogether if xinhui won. but weilian. sigh. junyang is so much better... his voice is much more pleasant and he has got the x factor that will bring him far in this entertainment circle. weilian has no stage charisma. he's so boring to watch... it's just so impossible. it's not that i'm against him. nor his disabilities. i'm just thinking ahead... i don't see a future for him. people will not support him because of his talents but more will vote for him out of sympathy. it's not as if he is the best vocalist anyway. i'm rooting for Kelly now... finals in National Stadium. Labels: Random
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* Wednesday, August 17, 2005 * CATS and IAC!!! wooohooo... had both final presentations today! think we did quite well. it's the end of these IS modules! no more going to school on wednesday! yeah! from now on i'm having a 3-day week! hah. school is ending soon... holidays are coming. i'm looking forward to it yet i don't want it to come... hmmm. so contradicting. well, cos i'm desperate for a break. but at the same time i don't like the idea of zohbohing my time away... agrh. ![]() went to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at plaza sing... i like it! haven't watch a movie as such for ages. ever since Big Fish i think... and i've finally learnt how to train myself to get out of the analysing mode to really enjoy the film! hee. ever since i'm in my course, i'm taught how to look at the different aspects of the film... mise en scene, lighting, motifs, editing etc... agrh. most of the time i get so engrossed in the details that i don't caught the plot at all. and i would be really upset if that happens... so. anyways... i'm not going to tell you what the show is about so go watch charlie.. it's really nice. and you would feel real good after that... p.s. try not to bring snacks in if possible... you won't be able to finish it. esp. green and purple stuff... hah. Labels: Reviews, School/Work
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* Tuesday, August 16, 2005 * it's been a long time since i blogged... it's one whole long week! well, have been too busy to sit down and write... with school work, merlion events etc... sleep deprived! wanted to blog on the stand in the gap held in church last week but i was too busy to. or rather, too lazy to. sigh. lots of things happened over the past week. interview actual recording on last thurs! wooohooo!!! so glad it's over... although there had been some minor hiccups here and there... i'm quite happy with it. at least it was decent. putting the silent moments we had aside. hehe. had a quiz on fri. intro to film. seems pretty easy. shouldn't have a problem passing. then it was church till late... sat was CRAZY! shooting in the morning... then rushed down to Fuchun Pri to go to Singapore Arts Museum for merlion performance. (nah. i didn't play my merlion that day... was the emcee for the day. postlude after the paragon event! realised i can quite crap... hah.) after that we had venezia ice cream.. yums. and dinner was at tian jin in bras basah. band instructors' treat - thanks! and guess what? KTV after that!!! shiok man! sang for 4 hours plus... sunday was another long busy day.... aiyoh. after i dropped by in church, i went to National History Museum for the merlion talk cum performance... it was quite a big event, reporters from the press and TV stations were there... woo. super nervous initially - i was the emcee. agrh. but by the grace of God, i managed to pull it off well. phew. then went to help at my godma's mom's coffeeshop at dunlop street... all the way tilll 11 plus... shacked. super tired and blur today... had lecture then BS in church with mich. after that i went to school for audio lecture which was supposedly at 4pm. went to school. hey... the doors are locked. no one's talking. back door's locked too. knocked. no one answered. gosh. no class... crap. forgot. alrights... that's how busy i was. but well, we should not forget God no matter how busy we are! still trying to perfect the 2 songs... let's jiayou together! Labels: Random
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* Monday, August 08, 2005 * i was talking to someone one day... it set me thinking. read on. maybe it will set you thinking as well... her: hey, are you very involved in your church? me: involved? what do you mean? her: as in do you go to church more than once a week for service? me: yup... her: what do you do in church? me: i attend the youth fellowship in my church.. it's on fridays. and i'm in my church's choir... also on fridays. and i'll attend the thai service on sunday when i'm free. she's a non-believer. i'm not sure why she asked me so many questions... it doesn't seem like she's interested. she seems like she's trying to find out something. her: don't you feel tired having to juggle so many things? you got time meh? aren't you very busy? me: yah.. i feel tired very often but i've to find time for everything. and it's a different kind of feeling when i do things in church. her: huh? me: i mean.. aiyah. don't know how to explain lah. it's just different. doing something i think is important. although it wouldn't seem as important to other people. hee. very often i will be loss for words. times when i can't put what i want to say into words. it's frustrating i know - for the person i talk to. but hey. i do feel frustrated too. her: ok... ask you ah. if you find a job you love very much but it will not allow you to go to church at all. what will you do? me: got job like that one meh? disallow me to go to church? is it some kind of anti-Christ organisation? haha. her: not lah. maybe your job would require you to work on weekends? then you won't have time to go to church on sunday mornings... then how? i paused for a moment. hmmmm. i know what my answer SHOULD be... but i don't know what my answer WOULD be. it's so true... i should start thinking of this right now. i'm heading into an industry that would probably require me to work irregular hours, on weekends even. what would my answer be? to give up my job for the Lord? then wouldn't it be senseless that i'm studying so hard now to get into THIS industry? is this Your will, Lord? what should i do? show me thy will... lead me. guide me. her: *sigh* i don't understand why some Christians must go to church every week. are you like that too? me: i would think that i would want to go to church every week. but in times of situations that doesn't allow me to, i would weigh the importance. her: what if you have a school performance? me: hmmm. i think for competitions, performances... those are pretty valid reasons. it would be ok to miss church once for that. provided that there are no responsibilties that needs to be fulfilled in church that particular week lah... eh. it depends on how they place their priorities lor. her: i've some students that are just so stubborn! they die die must go to church one leh. cannot miss church means cannot miss church! i felt a need to defend the "other" christians she was talking about... but i wasn't given a chance to. her: hey... come to think of it. what you are studying now would probably land you in the filmming industry right? then they got all those rituals before filmming one right? what would you do ah? me: don't get involved lor... as i said that, my mind was in a real mess... i was still thinking of all she asked previously. then i got really random. i started thinking about something someone said to me about where i'm heading... i think it was the speaker for youth sunday. he came up to me all of a sudden between service and talked to me... we began to talk about what i'm studying and he said this: "what you are studying now is very crucial, it can either get you down with the rest or you can make use of it to change the lives of others. i certainly pray that it's the latter." i pray for that too. her: will you give up what you love for your god? me: i'm sure that my god has a purpose for taking away something that i love and that i hold on to dearly. He knows what is best for me. i am glad i said that. at least i'm sure of something... her: ok... i'm a buddhist you know? me: yup. i don't know why she asked that question... it feels awkward after that. silence prevails... Lord, put Your words in my mouth that i might say what you want me to say. that i may manifest your love and grace. take me, mould me, fill me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me Lord. may i stand in the gap between the living and the dead. may all i do be pleasing to Your eyes. thank you for teaching me so many important lessons through so many ways and people. i pray in Your most precious name. amen. Labels: Christian/Church
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* Thursday, August 04, 2005 * been super super busy... projects and assignments are just piling up. feel as though i'm drowning... slept at 5 last night! or this morning to be exact. been in school since 10 in the morning till 10 at night... gosh. had art class - forgot that there is a test. sigh. didn't study at all. but i don't think i'll fail... somehow. studio prod was kinda stressful... it was rehearsal for next week's actual recording for interview. lots of hiccups.... but it was good experience. had to stay for audio final project recording... almost fell asleep while recording! super tired. i foresee that it's going to be same for the next few days... agrh. tomorrow school till 3pm then continue with project pilot... oh yah. thank God that aunty cat agreed to help us act for one of the scene! phew. then YF and choir! saturday's morning for project pilot again then i'll spend the whole day in paragon for the band performances... leading sunday school singpiration on sunday... then again whole day in paragon! my oh my... when will this end? never felt this kind of stress... the pressure that suppresses me. Lord, help me to set my eyes on You. No one but You alone. All that i do, i do it for You. Labels: Random |
© chris 2005 a.k.a. chrissypoo |