* starring *
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6 child of God * announcements * YF Church Camp JUMP Fellowship * blabbers * * stars ago * November 2004 December 2004 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 July 2006 September 2006 October 2006 January 2007 * starry friends * sunflower absolutely random fly me to the moon mr. incredible underwater babe forcemajeure * prayer request * 1. me to continue to grow in the Lord. 2. me to be a shining light; good testimony to all those around me.
short term * wishes upon * New Specs Briks Cross Necklace Not growing old so soon! all i need is... * bible verse * * starry links * ACTI glory church grace to you bible gateway 2 timothy 2-2 precepts ministries moriel ministries OMF Singapore world harvest mission Jesus music oldies waterbrook press A place for the God-hungry
* previously * no title. too messy.agrh! presentation report.... not done! double rainbow FANTABULOUS! non-existent. i do what i ought not do... my favourite thai dish... caught on camera thank God for rainbows...
* Saturday, July 02, 2005 * went to look at the work environment earlier on... it's an international company which make use of network marketing... sigh. profit seems high but i'm not sure... it's not just a part time job you see... it's like setting up your own business! and when you start up a business, you have to fork out a capital! agrh. no way man. so that's out. maybe i should just go look for a proper part-time job... tomorrow's youth sunday! and guess what? i'll be backup singing for ALL 3 services!!! oohhh... first time backup singing and it's for all 3... cool. and the youths will perform a song item "give them all".... tomorrow i'll be singing the whole day man. hee. woke up with sore throat... bad sign. but learnt to pray and drank lots and lots of water... now it feels better! great... next week is gonna be crazy! 3 tests! 2 written and 1 practical... but i've been studying quite a fair bit all along so shouldn't have too much to read up on... hee. changed specs yesterday... black plastic frames... quite cool. i quite like it. BUT it's making me really giddy. the ground seems to be floating... and i hafta roughly gauge where i step before i move forward. quite scary... esp when i got down the bus, nearly missed the step and fell. agrh! hopefully this is a matter of time... can't afford to go around guessing where my next step would be! or i'll hafta go back to my optician and get it changed! sigh... okays... needa go eat dinner soon. and then study... till then. Labels: Random
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